2 Reasons Why You Should Never Chase Women

I Write
3 min readJan 15, 2023

Women will make you chase them but, it's a bad idea to do so, here is why.

Image by Sam Williams from Pixabay

I believe most men have chased a lady at some point in their lives, why this is part of life, I believe actively doing so will not always get you the woman you want and ultimately will distract you from pursuing your life’s purpose which is a bigger goal and the best way to chase women. let me explain.

first, let's talk about two of the main reasons why women make you chase them. The first one is that she is probably not that into you. When a woman is really into you, depending on her age level of experience, she will be more than willing not to drag things out just because of the thrill she may feel about being chased.

If a woman likes you, it’s quite easy to see that in her speech, her availability, and body language and you will not need to work so hard to win her over.

The Second reason women make you do the chasing is that she probably is not feeling safe with you because she’s had some bad previous experiences where the male gender is concerned. She has all these barricades and walls up in a way to sort of protect her heart, and so she would let you work hard to win her affection over.

Most women think if a man works hard to win her affection and her attention, he will be more dedicated to…

