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How to obtain Employer Identification Number (EIN) as a foreign resident for Medium Partner Program or Amazon FBA
I got mine in 10mins
When you join Medium Partner Program as a non-US citizen or Amazon FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon), you are required to submit an Employer Identification Number known as EIN to comply with US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) withholding regulations. The process of obtaining an EIN is simple, and a little guide will make it even easier for you to get.
To obtain your EIN as a foreign applicant, you will need to
- Download the Form SS-4 from IRS website and fill it out properly
- Put a call through to IRS office to obtain your EIN
Now, let me walk you through both processes.
Disclaimer: This process is not endorsed by the IRS, Medium, or any legal entity. It is solely based on my personal experience in obtaining my EIN.
Download Form SS-4 and fill it out
Your first step is to download Form SS-4 from the IRS website and fill it out. You will not be filing or faxing the form back to IRS, as you will be obtaining your EIN over the phone. However, a filled form will help you to properly answer all the questions you will be asked by the IRS officer.